Temperature-dependent alterations of brown adipose tissue metabolism during hibernation in the thirteen-lined ground squirrel, \u3ci\u3eIctidomys tridecemlineatus\u3c/i\u3e.


Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is the major thermogenic tissue in small eutherian mammals. In hibernators, seasonal modifications of BAT are well documented but little is known about its functional regulation during hibernation. BAT metabolism is activated by sympathetic stimulation, so I hypothesized that further regulation at the mitochondrial level, as seen in other hibernator tissues, would be of little advantage. Contrary to my predictions, respiration rates of BAT mitochondria isolated from torpid thirteen-lined ground squirrels were suppressed by up to 62% compared with rates from individuals that aroused to interbout euthermia (IBE), when measured at 37°C. At 10°C, however, these rates did not differ between torpor and IBE. Contrary to these results, activities of electron transport system enzymes and brown adipocyte respiration did not differ between torpor and IBE, regardless of assay temperature. The data suggest that BAT mitochondria become less temperature sensitive during torpor, allowing sustained function at low body temperatures

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