
Quenched charge disorder in CuO2 spin chains: Experimental and numerical studies


We report on measurements of the magnetic response of the anisotropic CuO_2 spin chains in lightly hole-doped La_x (Ca,Sr)_14-x Cu_24 O_41, x>=5. The experimental data suggest that in magnetic fields B >~ 4T (applied along the easy axis) the system is characterized by short-range spin order and quasi-static (quenched) charge disorder. The magnetic susceptibility chi(B) shows a broad anomaly, which we interpret as the remnant of a spin-flop transition. To corroborate this idea, we present Monte Carlo simulations of a classical, anisotropic Heisenberg model with randomly distributed, static holes. Our numerical results clearly show that the spin-flop transition of the pure model (without holes) is destroyed and smeared out due to the disorder introduced by the quasi-static holes. Both the numerically calculated susceptibility curves chi(B) and the temperature dependence of the position of the anomaly are in qualitative agreement with the experimental data.Comment: 10 pages, REVTeX4. 11 figures; v2: Fig.2 replaced, small changes in Figs.1 and 11; minor revisons in Sec. III.C; accepted by Phys. Rev.

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