We present our theoretical results on the mechanism of two transitions in
vanadium spinel oxides AV2O4 (A=Zn, Mg, or Cd) in which magnetic V
cations constitute a geometrically-frustrated pyrochlore structure. We have
derived an effective spin-orbital-lattice coupled model in the strong
correlation limit of the multiorbital Hubbard model, and applied Monte Carlo
simulation to the model. The results reveal that the higher-temperature
transition is a layered antiferro-type orbital ordering accompanied by
tetragonal Jahn-Teller distortion, and the lower-temperature transition is an
antiferromagnetic spin ordering. The orbital order lifts the magnetic
frustration partially, and induces spatial anisotropy in magnetic exchange
interactions. In the intermediate phase, the system can be considered to
consist of weakly-coupled antiferromagnetic chains lying in the perpendicular
planes to the tetragonal distortion.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, submitted to SCES'0