
Controlling Decoherence of Transported Quantum Spin Information in Semiconductor Spintronics


We investigate quantum coherence of electron spin transported through a semiconductor spintronic device, where spins are envisaged to be controlled by electrical means via spin-orbit interactions. To quantify the degree of spin coherence, which can be diminished by an intrinsic mechanism where spin and orbital degrees of freedom become entangled in the course of transport involving spin-orbit interaction and scattering, we study the decay of the off-diagonal elements of the spin density matrix extracted directly from the Landauer transmission matrix of quantum transport. This technique is applied to understand how to preserve quantum interference effects of fragile superpositions of spin states in ballistic and non-ballistic multichannel semiconductor spintronic devices.Comment: 7 pages, 3 color EPS figures, prepared for Proceedings of International Symposium on Mesoscopic Superconductivity and Spintronics 2004 (Atsugi, Japan, March 1-4, 2004

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