We investigate intra-day foreign exchange (FX) time series using the inverse
statistic analysis developed in [1,2]. Specifically, we study the time-averaged
distributions of waiting times needed to obtain a certain increase (decrease)
ρ in the price of an investment. The analysis is performed for the Deutsch
mark (DM) against the USforthefullyearof1998,butsimilarresultsareobtainedfortheJapaneseYenagainsttheUS. With high statistical
significance, the presence of "resonance peaks" in the waiting time
distributions is established. Such peaks are a consequence of the trading
habits of the markets participants as they are not present in the corresponding
tick (business) waiting time distributions. Furthermore, a new {\em stylized
fact}, is observed for the waiting time distribution in the form of a power law
Pdf. This result is achieved by rescaling of the physical waiting time by the
corresponding tick time thereby partially removing scale dependent features of
the market activity.Comment: 8 pages. Accepted Physica