
All-electron self-consistent GW approximation: Application to Si, MnO, and NiO


We present a new kind self-consistent GW approximation (scGW) based on the all-electron, full-potential LMTO method. By iterating the eigenfunctions of the GW Hamiltonian, self-consistency in both the charge density and the quasiparticle spectrum is achieved. We explain why this form of self-consistency should be preferred to the conventional one. Then some results for Si are shown as a representative semiconductor, to establish agreement with a prior scGW calculation. Finally we consider many details in the electronic structure of the antiferromagnetic insulators MnO and NiO. Excellent agreement with experiment is shown for many properties, suggesting that a Landau quasiparticle (energy band) picture of MnO and NiO provides a reasonable description of electronic structure even in these correlated materials.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

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    Last time updated on 17/03/2019