Automorphism groups of Coxeter groups do not have Kazhdan's property (T)


We show that for a large class W\mathcal{W} of Coxeter groups the following holds: Given a group WΞ“W_\Gamma in W\mathcal{W}, the automorphism group Aut(WΞ“){\rm Aut}(W_\Gamma) virtually surjects onto WΞ“W_\Gamma. In particular, the group Aut(GΞ“){\rm Aut}(G_\Gamma) is virtually indicable and therefore does not satisfy Kazhdan's property (T). Moreover, if WΞ“W_\Gamma is not virtually abelian, then the group Aut(WΞ“){\rm Aut}(W_\Gamma) is large

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