Undirected, binary network data consist of indicators of symmetric relations
between pairs of actors. Regression models of such data allow for the
estimation of effects of exogenous covariates on the network and for prediction
of unobserved data. Ideally, estimators of the regression parameters should
account for the inherent dependencies among relations in the network that
involve the same actor. To account for such dependencies, researchers have
developed a host of latent variable network models, however, estimation of many
latent variable network models is computationally onerous and which model is
best to base inference upon may not be clear. We propose the Probit
Exchangeable (PX) Model for undirected binary network data that is based on an
assumption of exchangeability, which is common to many of the latent variable
network models in the literature. The PX model can represent the second moments
of any exchangeable network model, yet specifies no particular parametric
model. We present an algorithm for obtaining the maximum likelihood estimator
of the PX model, as well as a modified version of the algorithm that is
extremely computationally efficient and provides an approximate estimator.
Using simulation studies, we demonstrate the improvement in estimation of
regression coefficients of the proposed model over existing latent variable
network models. In an analysis of purchases of politically-aligned books, we
demonstrate political polarization in purchase behavior and show that the
proposed estimator significantly reduces runtime relative to estimators of
latent variable network models while maintaining predictive performance