The local order of supercooled water in solution with LiCl studied by NMR proton chemical shift


We study by means of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy the local order of water molecules in solution with lithium chloride at eutectic concentration. In particular, by measuring the proton chemical shift as a function of the temperature in the interval 203K < T < 320K, we observe a net change at about 235 K. We ascribe this result to the increase of the hydrogen bond interaction that on decreasing the temperature favors the formation of the network that characterizes the low density liquid phase of water. Furthermore, the Gaussian deconvolution of the NMR peak allows the investigation of the mutual difference between the chemical shift of water solvating lithium and chlorine individually. The thermal behavior of this quantity confirms previous results about the role of the temperature in the solvation mechanisms down to about 225 K. This temperature coincides with that of the so-called Widom line for water supporting the liquid-liquid transition hypothesis

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