In §8 of Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics
(RFM), Appendix 3 Wittgenstein imagines what
conclusions would have to be drawn if the Gödel formula P
or ¬P would be derivable in PM. In this case, he says, one
has to conclude that the interpretation of P as “P is
unprovable” must be given up. This “notorious paragraph”
has heated up a debate on whether the point Wittgenstein
has to make is one of “great philosophical interest”
revealing “remarkable insight” in Gödel’s proof, as Floyd
and Putnam suggest (Floyd (2000), Floyd (2001)), or
whether this remark reveals Wittgenstein’s
misunderstanding of Gödel’s proof as Rodych and Steiner
argued for recently (Rodych (1999, 2002, 2003), Steiner
(2001)). In the following the arguments of both
interpretations will be sketched and some deficiencies will
be identified. Afterwards a detailed reconstruction of
Wittgenstein’s argument will be offered. It will be seen that
Wittgenstein’s argumentation is meant to be a rejection of
Gödel’s proof but that it cannot satisfy this pretension