Investigation of the relationship between aesthetics and perceived usability in web pages


The main hypothesis of the thesis is that between two systems identical in functionality and usability, di erences in aesthetics may positively in uence users perceived usability. To date, a narrow focus on the engineering aspects of aesthetics has adversely a ected the scope and success of experiments, therefore previous work in the eld needed to be revisited. The thesis reviews literature and theory in usability and aesthetics, the latter from the point of the view of philosophy, theory, and application. It also explores the relationship between aesthetics, usability and user engagement; discusses a distinct new trend research that identi es a link between beauty and perceived usability of website interaction; and develops a pilot for an experimental methodology. Based on conclusions from the review of the eld of usability, two experiments where designed and carried out, an independent measures and repeated measures. The ndings of these experiments con rmed the hypothesis that perceived usability was positively in uenced by higher aesthetics

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