Over the last three years Abertay University has radically evolved its strategy for teaching and supporting learning. This paper outlines Abertay’s journey over the last few years, including the key features of our new pedagogic approach and its impact so far. For example, in 2016 Abertay was the highest ranked modern Scottish University in the National Student Survey (NSS) and shortlisted for the prestigious Times Higher Education “University of the Year” award.In order to further enhance our students’ progression, attainment and employability we have recognized the need to invest further in two key (and related) areas: technology enhanced learning and estate development in order to create a so-called “sticky campus” i.e. somewhere our students will want to come and stay. This has included full implementation of electronic management of assessment (EMA); blended learning; new technology-rich collaborative learning environments and science laboratories which promote richer student-staff interactions and new ways of learning; and a planned complete refurbishment of the University library which will provide a variety of learning environments (formal and informal) from summer 2017.The paper will detail the drivers for these changes; the change management processes involving a staff-student partnership involving management, academic and professional services; successes;challenges; lessons learned and future plans