Yield and Fiber Technological Traits of Advanced Cotton Lines Developed By Line Tester Mating Design


The purpose of this study was to determine yield and fiber technological characteristics of advanced cotton lines developed by crossing parents which were selected in terms of their genetic diversity and genetic distances and comparing them with controls. The research has been carried out in GAP International Agricultural Research and Training Center experimental area during 2013 and 2014 cotton growing season. Developed 10 advanced lines and 2 cotton cultivars (GW Teks and Stoneville 468) were used as material. The study was conducted in randomized complete block design with four replications. The statistical results showed that there were significant differences between lines/varieties in terms of all observed characteristics. The effect of year was significant for seed cotton yield, fiber yield, first picking percentage, ginning percentage, fiber fineness and fiber elongation. Year x variety interaction was significant for seed cotton yield, fiber yield, fiber uniformity index and short fiber index. According to the results of this study it was determined that Fiber Max 832 x Stv 453; Fiber Max 832 x Stv 453/2 for seed cotton yield and fiber yield; Stoneville 453, Tam 94 L 25 x Stv 453 and Fiber Max 832 x Stv 453 for ginning percentage; Tam 94 L 25 x Stv 453/2 for fiber fineness and fiber length; GW Teks, Giza 45 x Sayar 314 and GW Teks x Stv 453 for fiber strength were promising varieties

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