An engineered GH1 β-glucosidase displays enhanced glucose tolerance and increased sugar release from lignocellulosic materials.


β-glucosidases play a critical role among the enzymes in enzymatic cocktails designed for plant biomass deconstruction. By catalysing the breakdown of β-1, 4-glycosidic linkages, β-glucosidases produce free fermentable glucose and alleviate the inhibition of other cellulases by cellobiose during saccharification. Despite this benefit, most characterised fungal β-glucosidases show weak activity at high glucose concentrations, limiting enzymatic hydrolysis of plant biomass in industrial settings. In this study, structural analyses combined with site-directed mutagenesis efficiently improved the functional properties of a GH1 β-glucosidase highly expressed by Trichoderma harzianum (ThBgl) under biomass degradation conditions. The tailored enzyme displayed high glucose tolerance levels, confirming that glucose tolerance can be achieved by the substitution of two amino acids that act as gatekeepers, changing active-site accessibility and preventing product inhibition. Furthermore, the enhanced efficiency of the engineered enzyme in terms of the amount of glucose released and ethanol yield was confirmed by saccharification and simultaneous saccharification and fermentation experiments using a wide range of plant biomass feedstocks. Our results not only experimentally confirm the structural basis of glucose tolerance in GH1 β-glucosidases but also demonstrate a strategy to improve technologies for bioethanol production based on enzymatic hydrolysis

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