The basic shifting of competitive quality in hospital was not only determined by profits, but also creation
value and additional value for customers. Nurses, who were often having contact with patients and
spending their time to serve patients, had a major role in treating patient’s health. Patient’s satisfaction
which was as a quality indicator was the successful key for the competition of health nursing in hospital.
The aim of this study was to develop a nursing care quality model based on the behavior of nursing
performance, organizational and work behavior as well as patient’s satisfaction. The method used was a
cross sectional study, with 14 inpatient rooms, and 176 nurses. Areas of research were: organizational
factors (organization and leadership culture), performance factors (feedback and variations of work),
nurse’s characteristics (motivation, attitude, commitment, and mental models), nursing practice,
interpersonal communication, nurse’s and patient’s satisfaction. The results showed; 1) nursing practice
was influenced by performance factors and not influenced by organizational factors; 2) interpersonal
communication or professional nursing was influenced by nursing practice; 3) Professional care was
influenced by nurse’s satisfaction; 4) Patient’s satisfaction was influenced by professional nursing. The
results also implied: organizational culture was dominated by clan and market culture, right leadership
coaching; by improving the provision of feedback and variations would improve nurse’s performance,
high motivation and commitment, enough attitude and mental models (independence), and enough nurse's
and patient’s satisfaction. Based on the results, the recommended models were: 1. Providing freedom for
nurses in nursing practices and improving their communication skills or professional nurses; 2. Providing
more incentives and feedback, as well as various works or responsibilities; 3. Maintaining or increasing
clan and market culture; 4. Coaching was more suitable than nursing team performance