This contribution deals with the sequence
{Un(a)(x;q,j)}n≥0 of monic polynomials, orthogonal
with respect to a Sobolev-type inner product related to the Al-Salam--Carlitz I
orthogonal polynomials, and involving an arbitrary number of q-derivatives on
the two boundaries of the corresponding orthogonality interval. We provide
several versions of the corresponding connection formulas, ladder operators,
and several versions of the second order q-difference equations satisfied by
polynomials in this sequence. As a novel contribution to the literature, we
provide certain three term recurrence formula with rational coefficients
satisfied by Un(a)(x;q,j), which paves the way to establish an
appealing generalization of the so-called J-fractions to the framework of
Sobolev-type orthogonality.Comment: 2 figure