Investigations of a Low Carbohydrate Ketogenic Diet as a Possible Treatment for Malignant Brain Tumors


Cancer is now the leading cause of premature death in the U.S. and second worldwide. However, all cancers on average have seen a 20% increase in 5-year survival in the last 30 years. This is not true for brain cancers which have only seen a 1% increase. Brain cancer is extremely hard to treat, costing the most money out of any other cancer. Nevertheless, Otto Warburg’s investigation of cancer as a metabolic disease has led to a variety of new promising treatments. One of these treatments involves starving cancer cells by cutting off their access to glucose, a key component in cancer metabolism. Preliminary results suggest that using a low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet could be a promising treatment for malignant brain tumors. In order to show its efficacy and for future implementation of the diet, more research is need. With more research, a ketogenic diet could prove to be the needed weapon against all cancers, particularly malignant brain tumors

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