Intellectual Property Rights Protection and The Sophistication of Export Technology In China


摘要 决定一国经济增长的不是出口贸易的数量,贸易品的技术含量才是各国追求的目标。然而近年来,越来越多的问题制约着中国制造业的转型升级:贸易壁垒愈演愈烈、国内低技术含量产品无序竞争等等。显然,以往的贸易扩张拉动经济增长模式已经不适合当前中国的国情。在当前经济转型的大背景下,提髙出口产品技术含量(技术复杂度)、促进出口贸易结构转型升级是促进中国由“制造大国”向“制造强国”转型的关键。 本文首先选取了2006-2014年九年时间全球平均贸易额排名前50的国家,进而根据SITC标准与中国制造业分类标准得到中国制造业26种行业层面的出口技术复杂度和国家层面的出口技术复杂度。同时,本文构建知识产权保护...Abstract The technical content of the export product determines the economic growth of a country. But in recent years, China's exports in the manufacturing sector face many difficulties: more and more trade protection, unfair competition in the domestic low-tech products and so on. Obviously, expanding the scale of trade is not a solution to economic growth. In the context of the current econo...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_数量经济学学号:1722014115195

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