Fakutas Syari'ah dan Hukum Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah
The construction of national law is one of the projects that has not been completed to this day in Indonesian law. Legal development should ideally pay attention to existing legal sources, especially laws that have become community culture. The results of this study show that legal development must be able to produce legal product reforms to replace the Dutch colonial legacy regulations that do not reflect the values and interests of the Indonesian people and encourage the growth of government and national development activities that originate from Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. Incorporating the living law in the development of national law is an accommodative policy so that the national law produced is truly a product that is able to protect and protect all heterogeneous components of the Indonesian nation with their different backgrounds and legal needs
Keyword: The living law, the source of law, the development of national law, Islamic la