Let {u(t,x)}t>0,xβRβ denote the solution to the
parabolic Anderson model with initial condition Ξ΄0β and driven by
space-time white noise on R+βΓR, and let ptβ(x):=(2Οt)β1/2exp{βx2/(2t)} denote the standard Gaussian heat kernel on
the line. We use a non-trivial adaptation of the methods in our companion
papers \cite{CKNP,CKNP_b} in order to prove that the random field xβ¦u(t,x)/ptβ(x) is ergodic for every t>0. And we establish an associated
quantitative central limit theorem following the approach based on the
Malliavin-Stein method introduced in Huang, Nualart, and Viitasaari