
Defined factors to reactivate cell cycle activity in adult mouse cardiomyocytes.


Adult mammalian cardiomyocytes exit the cell cycle during the neonatal period, commensurate with the loss of regenerative capacity in adult mammalian hearts. We established conditions for long-term culture of adult mouse cardiomyocytes that are genetically labeled with fluorescence. This technique permits reliable analyses of proliferation of pre-existing cardiomyocytes without complications from cardiomyocyte marker expression loss due to dedifferentiation or significant contribution from cardiac progenitor cell expansion and differentiation in culture. Using this system, we took a candidate gene approach to screen for fetal-specific proliferative gene programs that can induce proliferation of adult mouse cardiomyocytes. Using pooled gene delivery and subtractive gene elimination, we identified a novel functional interaction between E2f Transcription Factor 2 (E2f2) and Brain Expressed X-Linked (Bex)/Transcription elongation factor A-like (Tceal) superfamily members Bex1 and Tceal8. Specifically, Bex1 and Tceal8 both preserved cell viability during E2f2-induced cell cycle re-entry. Although Tceal8 inhibited E2f2-induced S-phase re-entry, Bex1 facilitated DNA synthesis while inhibiting cell death. In sum, our study provides a valuable method for adult cardiomyocyte proliferation research and suggests that Bex family proteins may function in modulating cell proliferation and death decisions during cardiomyocyte development and maturation

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