In this paper we consider the numerical solution of Boussinesq-Peregrine type
systems by the application of the Galerkin finite element method. The structure
of the Boussinesq systems is explained and certain alternative nonlinear and
dispersive terms are compared. A detailed study of the convergence properties
of the standard Galerkin method, using various finite element spaces on
unstructured triangular grids, is presented.
Along with the study of the Peregrine system, a new Boussinesq system of
BBM-BBM type is derived. The new system has the same structure in its momentum
equation but differs slightly in the mass conservation equation compared to the
Peregrine system. Further, the finite element method applied to the new system
has better convergence properties, when used for its numerical approximation.
Due to the lack of analytical formulas for solitary wave solutions for the
systems under consideration, a Galerkin finite element method combined with the
Petviashvili iteration is proposed for the numerical generation of accurate
approximations of line solitary waves. Various numerical experiments related to
the propagation of solitary and periodic waves over variable bottom topography
and their interaction with the boundaries of the domains are presented. We
conclude that both systems have similar accuracy when approximate long waves of
small amplitude while the Galerkin finite element method is more effective when
applied to BBM-BBM type systems