CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 3: OpenFOAM Simulation of Focused Wave Interaction with a Simplified Wave Energy Converter


This paper presents a numerical study of a simplified wave energy converter (WEC) with and without a moon-pool under focused wave conditions and the work presented corresponds to a contribution to the CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 3. The numerical model applies the overset mesh technique in order to deal with large amplitude motions induced by the focused wave groups. The generation of the incident wave group is first examined through a mesh convergence test and by comparing with the experimental data. Simulations are then carried out with the presence of the WEC. In total three wave conditions are considered, each with the same wave period but different wave height. Non-linear effects on the WEC motion are clearly shown when the wave steepness increases and wave over-topping occurs. Furthermore, the effects of the moon pool on the dynamics and kinematics of the WEC including the damping effects on pitch response are also discussed, where the WEC motion is compared for the case with and without a moon-pool under the same wave conditions

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