Root Canal Morphology of Mandibular Second Pre-Molar and Mandibular Second Molar in Dravidian Population: An Ex Vivo study


Mandibular second pre-molar and mandibular second molar have gained a reputation for having aberrant anatomy. Different studies have looked at the root canal morphology of mandibular second pre-molar and mandibular second molar over the years and reported a fairly high percentage of these teeth to have more than one canal.26 There seems to be a racial predisposition for the presence of two or more canals in mandibular second premolar and mandibular second molar.29 The aim of the present study was to investigate the root canal morphology of mandibular second pre-molar and mandibular second molar in South Indian population using Spiral CT and clearing technique. 400 mandibular second pre-molars and 400 mandibular second molars were collected, cleaned and air dried. Teeth were arranged in wax sheet for Spiral CT imaging. Images were reconstructed and stored in computer. Teeth were labeled and access cavity was prepared. Each teeth were decalcified and cleared. The comparative evaluation of the specimens were performed. The following parameters were investigated, I. Number of roots II. Shape of the roots III. Shape of the root canals IV. Number of canals and canal configuration (According to Vertucci’s & Gulabivala’s classification). From this root canal morphology study of mandibular second pre-molar and mandibular second molar in South Indian population, it was concluded that, 1. Single rooted mandibular second pre-molar with single canal is the most common canal configuration in South Indian population. 2. Two rooted mandibular second pre-molar in this study was in higher prevalence next to Kuwait population. 3. Two rooted mandibular second molar with two mesial canals and one distal canal is the most common canal configuration in South Indian population. 4. Two rooted mandibular second molar with two mesial canals and one distal canal were found to have higher prevalence than all other populations. 5. This was the only study which reports four rooted mandibular second molar. 6. C-shaped canals were found in mandibular second molar in South Indian population and it was approximately similar to Caucasian population. 7. There was no C-shaped canal found in mandibular second pre-molar. 8. There was no middle mesial canal found in mandibular second molar

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