Modelling wildfires in the Mediterranean area during summer 2007


The Mediterranean Area is often affected by fires which burn thousands of hectares of vegetation. The biomass burning produces gases and particulates, that spread across thousands of kilometres in the atmosphere, affecting the air quality at the local, regional and global scale. The inclusion of gas and particulate emissions from wildfires in chemistry-transport models is a challenging task because of the large uncertainties related to the detection of fires, the emission factors associated with the type of vegetation and fire characteristics and the injection height of the smoke. This work shows a case study for the summer 2007, a period with fires in Greece, Albania and Algeria. The emission fluxes have been estimated considering the gas species CO, NOx, SO2 and NH3 and the particulate matter PM2.5 and PM10. Emission heights for different emitted species have been estimated. The numerical simulations have been performed with the air quality model BOLCHEM. The model results show the effect of fires on air pollution. Moreover, the concentrations of black carbon aerosol predicted by the model are compared with lidar measurements at the Tito Scalo, Potenza (40.63°N, 15.80°E, 760 m a.s.l.), where an unusual layer of aerosol, transported from North Africa, was detected by the PEARL station lidar on 30 August 2007

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