Studies upon chronic bovine haematuria: with special reference to the aspergillus flavus


The Thesis has been divided into two major sections: (I) The present position, and (II) The present investigation, and contains a Preface on veterinary problems in India.In support of the Thesis the writer submits some of his published work, and provides a list of his miscellaneous other publications. Among the published work are to be found the results of the writer's original researches in other directions, notably upon a group of common, but hitherto obscure animal diseases of India, the helminthic etiology of each of which was first demonstrated by the writer and later confirmed by others. The arrangement therefore is as follows: -THESIS: Preface. The Nature and Significance of Veterinary Problems in Ancient and Modern India. Studies upon Chronic Bovine Haematuria with special reference to the Aspergillus flavus series.ORIGINAL PUBLICATIONS:(A) MYCOTIC DISEASE: A New Fungus, Eidamella actoni, parasitic to the Dog. Ind. Vet. J1., 1932, 8, 1 -10, Plates I & II. || (B) HELMINTHIC DISEASES: (1) New Researches on some Helminthic Diseases of India. XIIIth International Veterinary Congress. Zurich-Interlaken, 1938. || (2) The Etiology of Bovine Nasal Granuloma. Ind. Jl. Vet. Sc. & Ani. Husb., 1952, 2, 131-140, Plates IX -XI. || (3) Schistosoma indicum, Montgomery, 1906, as the Cause of a persistent debility in Equines in India with a description of the Lesions. Ibid, 1933, 3, 1-28, Plates I -VI. || (4) The Etiology of Bursati. Ibid, 3, 217 -236, Plates XIV -XIX. || (5) Microfilarial Pityriasis in Equines. (Lichen tropicus). Vet. J1., 1939, 95, 215 -222, Plates I -II. || LIST OF MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS: (1) An Unusual Case of Chronic Rinderpest with special reference to the Carrier Problem in this Disease (in collaboration with V.R. Rajagopalan) Ind. Ji. Vet. Sc. Ani. Husb., 1932, 2, pp. 131 -140. || (2) The Diagnosis and Treatment of Sterility in the Stallion and the Bull. Ibid, 1933, 3, 185 -197. || (3) Congenital Blindness in Calves. Ibid, 1933, 254 -270. || (4) Prevalence of Tuberculosis among Cattle in India. Ind. Vet. Ji., 1935, 12. || (5) Effects of Sterility and Impotence on Breeding Operations in India and Methods for their Diagnosis and Control. Ibid, 1935, 2. || (6) The Position of Tuberculosis and Johne's Disease in India with Suggestions for the Best Methods to Adopt for their Diagnosis and Control. Ibid, 1934, 11. || *(7) Johne's Disease and Tuberculosis. World's Tenth Dairy Congress, Rome-Milan, 1934. || (8) The Etiology of Enzootic Bovine Haematuria, Part I. Ind. J1. Vet. Sc. Ani. Husb., 1934, 4, pp. 341 -361. || *(9) "Khoojlee" or Lichen tropicus in Horses. Horse Breeding, Jl. of National Horse Breeding and Show Society of India. April, 1936, 57-58. || (10) Animal Diseases in relation to the Economy of Man and India. Agri. & Livestock in India, 1938, Vol. 8. || (11) How Far has the Study of Animals and their Diseases Influenced the Progress of Medical Research? Vet. Ji., 1939, 95, 25 -31. || *(12) To Review the Position of Bovine Mastitis in India and to Suggest Methods for its Diagnosis and Control. Proc. II Animal Husbandry Wing Meeting of the Board of Agriculture in India, Madras, 1936. || *(13) To Discuss the Practicability of adopting Artificial Insemination in India. Ibid. || *(14) Annual Reports of the Pathology Section of the Imperial Vet. Research Institute, Mukteswar, 1932-1937. || *(15) Annual Report of the Protozoological Section of the Imperial Veterinary Research Institute, Mukteswar, 1938. ________________________ *Publications marked with asterisks have not been submitted

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