A survey for cool white dwarfs and the age of the galactic disc


The use of white dwarf cooling times is now established as one of the most important methods of determining the age of our Galaxy. Estimates of the age of the Galactic Disk from the study of cool white dwarf samples have remained at approximately 9 Gyr since the technique was first applied over a decade ago, in contrast to globular clusters ages and cosmological timescales, which have been the subject of much revision and debate. Much of the white dwarf work has of necessity relied on all -sky photographic proper motion surveys to provide sufficiently large numbers of white dwarfs in conjunction with quantifiable survey limits, unfortunately resulting in demonstrably incomplete samples.This thesis describes a survey specifically undertaken to obtain a sample of cool white dwarfs directly from original Schmidt plate material. Concerns regarding the subjectivity of `eye -blinked' proper motion measures are avoided by using digitised data obtained using the COSMOS and SuperCOSMOS microdensitometers. The observational material is restricted to a single 6° field in which an exceptionally large database of over 300 Schmidt plates exists. As a brief aside, the issue of stacking digitised plate data is examined. In particular, recommendations for the correct weighting algorithm and bad pixel rejection algorithm to adopt are made, following detailed experimentation with a variety of techniques. The plate stacking technique is used for the white dwarf survey material to extend the photometric survey limits, while the optimum proper motion limit to adopt is investigated in detail, with the principal concern being elimination of contaminants while retaining as many genuine proper motion objects as possible. Application of the reduced proper motion population discrimination technique to the resultant proper motion catalogue results in a final sample comprising 56 white dwarf candidates. Follow up spectroscopic observations show the survey has been successful in identifying cool white dwarfs, gives no indication of contamination in the white dwarf sample by other stellar types, and also provides two further cool white dwarfs to include in the sample which were marginally excluded by the reduced proper motion survey criteria.Comparison of photographic colours with model predictions allow effective temperatures and bolometric luminosities to be estimated for the sample members. The luminosity function constructed from the sample members is in good agreement with previous work, although the slightly higher space density found for the coolest white dwarfs leads to a modest increase in the age estimate for the Galactic Disc when the luminosity function is compared to theoretical models. The Disc age is found to be 10±1/3 Gyr.Recurring themes in this work are the related questions of sample completeness and sample contamination. These have been addressed in several ways, notably via number counts, the V /Vmax completeness test and sample distributions on the reduced proper motion diagram. The results of these analyses may be summarised by stating that the sample is consistent with being drawn from a complete sample, shows no statistical evidence of incompleteness, and is unlikely to be contaminated by non -degenerates. Probably the most serious source of error here is the omission of very cool white dwarfs due to the conservative reduced proper motion survey criteria adopted. This concern, along with other considerations regarding the atmospheric constituents of the sample members, imply that a 9 Gyr Disc age may be regarded as a quite robust lower limit from this work

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