An asthenic symptom-complex: its diagnosis and treatment and relationship to the supra renal gland


(11 That the Asthenic symptom- Complex herein described is a definite Clinical entity. • (2). That it is definitely related to Addison's Disease and is therefore definitely related to the Supra Renal Gland. • (3). That this Asthenic symptom Complex can be treated by a Specific Therapy. • (4). That an extract of Supra Renal Gland whole substance is active by the mouth. • (5) That the cortex of the Supra Renal Gland is essential to life. • (6) That the medulla is not essential to life. • (7) That in view of this fact it is better to revert to the older terminology and to refer to the Gland as the Supra Renal gland. • (8) That it will be from clinical rather than from experimental knowledge that the functions of the Supra Renal Gland will be more fully discovered • (9) That the active principle of any gland extract may be destroyed in the process of manufacture and there is no method of proving that this has happened other than the clinical method. • (10) Sargent's White Adrenal Line was not pathognomonic of the Asthenic Symptoms Complex. • (11) That pathological conditions of the Supra Renal Gland exist in a great number of clinical disease unsuspected, and that sufficient pathological significance is not attributed to the Supra Renal Gland

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