Education for Empire Settlement: a study of juvenile migration


Of the many attempts that have been made to bring about a better distribution of the population of the Empire, few have met with such Aide approval or such uniform success as juvenile migration. The movement has come to be recognized as one of great value both to the mother-country and to the Dominions. In the one, besides reducing the surplus of young workers at ages when unemployment is most demoralizing, it offers to boys and girls of every class opportunities for healthy employment and useful service to the Empire. In the other, it fulfills a persistent demand for young agricultural workers and supplies a type of settler who, on account of hie youth and adaptability, is readily absorbed into the community. The selection, training and transfer of young oversea settlers, the supervision required for their welfare and the assistance necessary to establish them in their new life form the subject of this study. Part I shows how the movement originated, .how it outgrew its early penal, reformatory and rescue stages and developed into an important factor in Empire Settlement. Part 2 deals with. recent developments and describe the systems of juvenile migration operating at the present time in various parts of the Empire; while, Part 3 discusses from the points of view of both Great Britain and the Dominions the economic, medical and educational aspects of the. problems The information that follows was collected in 1928 and 1929, during the course of a visit to Great Britain and a journey back to Australia by way of Canada and Nev Zealand. Wherever possible the facts are documented, but since many particulars have been gathered orally and from a diversity of sources, it is often possible to make only general acknowledgements. Both in Great Britain and in the Dominions it, was the willing cooperation of Government Departments and voluntary organizations which made the carrying out of the investigation possible. I must here express my indebtedness to the many migration workers who, in the midst of their exacting duties, either found time to supply information personally or allowed inspection of their records

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