Serotoninergic control of adrenal zona glomerulosa function


A clearer understanding of the physiological mechanisms controlling aldosterone secretion is likely to be of major importance in appreciating the significance of the abnormalities found in patients with conditions such as essential hypertension.Although angiotensin II, adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) and potassium are considered to be the major physiological regulators of aldosterone secretion, serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5HT) is a potent stimulus for aldosterone secretion both in vivo and in vitro in man and the rat. However, the physiological and pathophysiological role of serotonin in the control of mineralocorticoid secretion remains unclear. Unlike the cardiovascular and central nervous system (CNS), where specific serotonin receptors have been identified and categorised into the 5HT-|a, 5HT-ib. 5HTic, 5HTich 5HT2 and 5HT3 sub-types, specific receptors for serotonin in the adrenal zona glomerulosa and the second messenger system to which they are coupled, have yet to be formally characterised. To resolve this, the effects of the selective serotonin receptor antagonists ketanserin (5HT2), methysergide (5HT1/2). mesulergine (5HT-|C/2), cyanopindolol (5HT1 a/ib) and ICS 205/930 (5HT3) have been studied on the aldosterone response to serotonin in isolated rat adrenal zona glomerulosa cells. The specificity of the antagonists was also investigated by observing the effects of the drugs on the aldosterone response to angiotensin II, ACTH and potassium. The signal transduction mechanism for serotonin in the zona glomerulosa was studied by measuring cyclic AMP and phosphatidylinositol (PI) turnover and comparing the results with those of angiotensin II and ACTH, which act through phospholipase C and adenylate cyclase respectively. In addition, the role of calcium was investigated using the chelating agent EGTA, the calcium channel inhibitors verapamil and nifedipine, the intracellular calcium channel blocker TMB-8, and the calmodulin antagonist trifluoperazine (TFP). Transmembrane calcium flux in response to serotonin was also studied directly by radiolabelled calcium influx experiments.Serotonin produced a dose-dependent increase in cyclic AMP and aldosterone secretion, whilst PI turnover was unaffected. The cyclic AMP and aldosterone responses to serotonin were inhibited by mesulergine, methysergide and ketanserin. The aldosterone response to angiotensin II, but not ACTH or potassium, was also inhibited by these antagonists. Cyanopindolol and ICS 205/930 produced a small inhibition of serotonin stimulated aldosterone and cyclic AMP secretion, but had no effect on the aldosterone response to the other agonists. The presence of EGTA, verapamil, nifedipine, TMB-8 and TFP also significantly inhibited aldosterone secretion in response to serotonin. Radiolabelled calcium influx was stimulated by serotonin and this could be blocked by verapamil.In addition to the in vitro studies, two in vivo studies were also carried out. The effect of acute serotonin enhancement was studied in rats with indwelling arterial cannulae. This experimental model avoided the use of anaesthetics which can activate the renin-angiotensin system (RAS). Plasma aldosterone was measured prior to and after administration of the immediate precursor to serotonin, 5-hydroxytryptophan (5HTP). Aldosterone was elevated 45 minutes after administration of 5HTP, and this could be blocked, though not completely, by pretreatment with both dexamethasone and captopril. The inhibitory effect of captopril could be reversed by co-administration of angiotensin II. The effect of chronic serotonin enhancement on adrenal zona glomerulosa growth was studied in rats given 5HTP for periods of up to 2 weeks. 5HTP increased the width of the zona glomerulosa, although the effect was less than that observed with sodium depletion. No changes were detected in plasma renin activity (PRA), angiotensin II, corticosterone or aldosterone and the trophic effect could not be reversed by chronic treatment with captopril or dexamethasone.In conclusion, the aldosterone response to serotonin in the zona glomerulosa appears to be mediated predominantly by 5HT₁꜀ / 5HT₂ like receptors which modulate the steroid response to angiotensin II and, in contrast to other serotonin responsive tissues, couple to the adenylate cyclase second messenger system, in addition, influx of extracellular calcium, which may act cooperatively with cyclic AMP to activate the cascade mechanism resulting in steroidogenesis, is necessary for the action of serotonin. In vivo it appears that a number of different mechanisms mediate the acute and chronic actions of serotonin. Acutely, serotonin activates the hypothalamo-pituitary adrenal axis and the renin-angiotensin system, both of which require to be intact for the full aldosterone response, although angiotensin II appears to act purely in a permissive capacity. It is also likely that there is a direct action of serotonin on the adrenal cortex. In contrast, chronic serotonin enhancement has no effect on the renin-angiotensin system, the hypothalamo-pituitary adrenal axis or steroidogenesis, although zona glomerulosa growth is stimulated, most probably by a direct action of serotonin, although the possibility that serotonin could stimulate the production of another growth factor(s), cannot be excluded at this stage. Therefore, chronically, there appears to be an "escape" from continued mineralocorticoid augmentation by an as yet unidentified mechanism.The specific interaction between serotonin, the angiotensin II receptor, the renin-angiotensin system and the hypothalamo-pituitary adrenal axis may be important regulatory components of mineralocorticoid secretion, and any disturbance in this fine balance may lead to alterations in steroid secretion. Further studies are required to investigate more fully the importance of serotonin in the physiology and pathophysiology of the adrenal cortex

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