Multi-level filter based on H shaped channels


Micro and nano filtration is a crucial fundamental process in biological, biomedical and chemical engineering fields. This project aims to establish a multilevel filter for separation and purification complex bio-components mixtures by size in both micro and nano scales; generalize the design methodology of this multi level filter; optimise traditional nanofilter and eventually develop a multi level filter for rapid micro volume sample filtration. During the study and improvement of traditional filter, a new type of multi level filter for sequential separation based on H shaped channels were put forward in this thesis. The methodology of designing this type multi level filter was built and verified with simulations. A general path for multi level filter chip design was established and demonstrates with examples and experiments. A new fabrication process for multi depths channel on the same surface was put forward during the examples design. The fabrication experiments demonstrated the feasibility of this fabrication process and the recipes of these three fabrication processes were given by the experiments. Simulations on both 2D and 3D filters were described and discussed. The angle effect of angular H shaped channels was studied with COMSOL Multiphysics® Modeling Software

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