Letter from Anne Annie L. Muir to John Muir, 1861 Feb 19


Dear John: I am very glad I have the chance to write to you. I have always been ashamed when I think of the letter I wrote to you the first time. I was in a great hurry and had nothing to say hardly, so I just said anything that I first thought of. But I will try and do better this time. Anna and myself have been busy washing all day, and I don\u27t think that I will have time to finish it. Father is getting ready to go to a meeting at Mr. Arnot\u27s house. Father goes to a meeting every other Sunday at a schoolhouse beyond Belfountain, and he goes through the week sometimes to a prayer meeting there too. And there is a prayer meeting in Mr. Smith\u27s house every week. There is a prayer meeting every Sunday night at Gray\u27s schoolhouse. There is no Sunday School there now and we have to go with Father now. I have got a little book called Dew Drops. I bought it this morning from a colporteur. I guess this will be enough, so goodbye. Write soon as you can. From Mary Muir. (Hand).00261 Feb. 19, 1861.Dear John: I suppose you think I should have written long before, but I guess the moss has not grown over the one you wrote to me yet. But I did write part of one to you, and then I thought you would come and so I put it in the fire. But perhaps you did not know that Mary and myself were going to school. We have gone most all winter, but Joanna has not gone more than half of the time. But it closes just one week from to-day, and the teacher\u27s name is Mr. Daniel E. Gilfillan, and he is a Scotchman, like yourself. There is a lot of lumber drawn to make a new schoolhouse,-it is just a little piece this side of Mr. Kinny\u27s gate. It will be a good lot nearer for us. But we were very much disappointed when you did not come. Joanna was sure you would come. But you must try and come soon - just as soon as you can. I have been up at Mrs. Margaret R[eid]\u27s house just once. This was about the same time that we were all sick, and a lot of us have been sick again.- Mother and Daniel and David and Mary and Joanna any myself but we are all better but Daniel. But there is someone knocking at the door . In comes a colporteur (?) from the American tract society. His name is Mr. Sawyer. But I will have to stop now. Be sure and write soon. It is miserable writing, but when I try to write well

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