Group Cognition in Problem Solving Dialogues: Analyzing differences between voice and computer transcripts


This project shadows the work of student groups in Math 110, a quantitative literacy class, engaged in exploratory learning excercises. An instructor monitors these groups by both walking around the room and observing group conversation at another computer. Our goal is to put this exercise online, and as a result leave the entire monitoring process up to the computer, assuming the role that the instructor traditionally assumes. Using annotation techniques to decipher meaning in dialogue of students working in groups for a Math 110, we try to see how students collaborate to solve problems together. “Bits of realization”, conversation, and problem solving tags are sorted out and gathered to identify the main points that are expressed during the problem solving of the two-person game, Poison. Expanding upon previous research done by other students, we are able to add bits of realization that students encounter in their work. Our first effort is to explore the differences between voice recorded dialogue and computer-mediated chat dialogue

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