Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, OSSE, SMM, TGRS, balloon and recent INTEGRAL
data reveal a feature of the 0.511 MeV annihilation radiation of the Galactic
Center with a flux of approximately 5x 10^{-4}~0.511 MeV photons cm^{-2}
s^{-1}. We argue that e+e- pairs can be generated when the X-ray radiation
photons and ~10-30 MeV photons interact with each other in the compact region
in the proximity of the Galactic Center black hole. In fact, disks formed near
black holes of 10^{17} g mass should emit the ~ 10 MeV temperature blackbody
radiation. If positron e+ sources are producing about 10^{42} e+ s^{-1} near
the Galactic Center they would annihilate on the way out and result in 0.511
MeV emission. We suggest that the annihilation radiation can be an
observational consequence of the interaction of the accretion disk radiation of
the SMall Mass Black Holes (SMMBHs) with X-ray radiation in the Galactic
Center. This is probably the only way to identify and observe these SMMBHs.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figure, to appear in the ApJ, 10 March 2006, v 639 2