The Establishment of Effective Advisory Boards for Promoting Social Justice in the Arts on College Campuses


This paper focuses on some of the important aspects of establishing an advisory board on college campuses for governing arts organizations with social justice missions. In contrast to Boards of Directors of for-profit corporations, the nonprofit advisory board services the needs of organizations by performing services aimed at assisting the activities of the organization. Most boards are made up of people who like the same things and who support the same causes. This is especially true for arts organizations which tend to have a homogeneous board make-up. This paper makes the argument that advisory boards are an important component of arts organizations with a social justice mission and purporting the board members are unique volunteers with a social consciousness which supports efforts to advance the cause of underrepresented and disenfranchised populations. Board members are responsible for some strategic administrative functions which are outlined in this paper. Furthermore, this paper attempts to capture the essence of why advisory boards are necessary for successful arts organizations working on social justice activities

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