'Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)'
Blind matched filter receiver is advantageous over the state-of-the-art blind schemes due the simplicity in its implementation. To estimate the multipath communication channels, it uses neither any matrix decomposition methods nor statistics of the received data higher than the second order ones. On the other hand, the realization of the conventional blind matched filter receiver requires the noise variance to be estimated and the equalizer parameters to be calculated in state-space with relatively costly matrix operations. In this paper, a novel architecture is proposed to simplify a potential hardware implementation of the blind matched filter receiver. Our novel approach transforms the blind matched filter receiver into an all-adaptive format which replaces all the matrix operations. Furthermore, the novel design does not need for any extra step to estimate the noise variance. In this paper we also report on a comparative channel equalization and channel identification scenario, looking into the performances of the conventional and our novel all-adaptive blind matched filter receiver through simulations