Polarized Raman scattering and infrared spectroscopy of a naturalmanganocolumbite single crystal.


A well-ordered natural manganocolumbite single crystal of high quality was used as a prototype for the first determination of the polarized optical phonon modes of materials with the columbite structure. Electron microprobe and X-ray diffraction characterizations determined the chemical formula asMn0.60Fe0.40(Nb0.80Ta0.20)2O6, a cationic ordering of 81%, and the crystal structure as belonging to the Pbcn group. Polarized Raman and infrared-reflectivity spectroscopies on oriented samples allowed us to discern 50 of the 54 predicted gerade (Raman) modes and 31 of the 38 predicted ungerade (infrared) modes for the columbite structure. The selection rules were verified, and polarization leaks only due to slight sample misorientation, confirming the high purity, ordering and quality of the material. From the polar phonon spectra, intrinsic dielectric merit factors = 29.2 and of 64 THz were determined, showing adequate values for designing applications in microwave circuitry

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