Co-Teaching Social Emotional Learning to Improve Regulation and Mental Health: Implications for School Based Practice


Addressing sensory processing and integration difficulties is a primary area of assessment and intervention for school-based occupational therapists. School-based occupational therapists support students with these difficulties through interventions that target self-regulation, motor development, teacher and educator training, and accommodations. In an effort to better meet these student’s needs, this knowledge translation doctoral project reviewed evidence in self regulation interventions which considered student mental health needs. Although there are meta analyses on interventions to support self-regulation in occupational therapy (Battin, et al., 2020; Bodison, et al., 2018; Miller-Kuhaneck, et al., 2018; Pfeirffer, et al., 2018) many of these studies lacked a large subject size, randomization, developing student lifelong skills development, and mental health considerations. To fill this gap in school based practice, a database search for an intervention that met these missing criteria was completed. This database search led to an intervention with level 1 and 2 evidence, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), a mental health intervention that supports student self-regulation, teaches emotional skills and allows student to practice these skills in a culture that fosters student well-being (Durlak, et al., 2011; Payton, et al., 2008)

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