Effective leadership in startups


We time and again stumble on word such as, ‘Leader’ ‘Leadership’ ‘Qualities a Leader must have’ the world over. The word leadership and the qualities a leader must possess in order to be an effective leader at workplace but then how many times we hear leader fall apart and turn into a boss or a manager that we then turn ourselves away from. I believe, we didn’t quite get that right, or did we? for me “leadership is like a ghost, on whom, everyone talks about but only few have seen it. There is hardly any particular discussed or analysed papers around on ‘Effective Leadership in a Startup environment’. A topic seems to be a little tickly and isn’t quiet straightforward as one might have thought though. Being a leader to me is essentially whole lot more than just being in charge of a business or people, there is a lot more at stake and it quiet cut out just for everyone. Fundamentally, leader is a listener, an observer for that matter more than a talker, yet, communication seem to be one of the most important criteria’s of an effective leader. If you don’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough, let alone in a startup environment where the stakes are extremely high, innovation is like none other and the competition is at cut- throat level, it’s just doubles the expectation from a leader. Different types of leaders would have various different kinds of personalities and traits but the leader with the right degree of passion, attitude, someone with a higher purpose in life if I may say. This research paper has taught me a great deal, I met leaders of various walks of life, heard them talked, listened to their views and conducted numerous surveys and questionnaires in my quest to obtain valuable insights to what makes a leader such an important entity. I humbly hope to my fellow readers, practitioners and respected academics I humbly hope I somewhat managed to touch the surface on this subject and provided some grounding on an effective leadership in a startup

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