Pekerja Wanita Pada Industri Kerajinan Batik Di Kecamatan Pelayangan Kotamadya Jambi. Female Workers in Batik Handicraft Industry in Pelayangan Subdistrict of Jambi Municipality.


Low levels of income received by heads of households have led women to work in Batik Industry to contribute funds to support their families. This means women have to play a dual roles under which sometime is de, dicated to household duties whereas the other is dedicated to work in Batik Industry.This research aims at examining how women allocate their time of working in Batik Industry. It also examines how the age of the wife, the age of the youngest child and the income of the household affect time allocation and the participation of women in Batik Industry. It also aims at finding out the relationship of women\u27s working time in Batik Industry and how significantly the earnings from that industry contribute to the earnings of the household. The research was carried out in Pelayangan Subdistrict of Jambi Municipality, that is, a group of Batik Handicraft Industries. A hundred (100) respondents were selected through simple random sampling. To find out female household time allocation, Indepth Study Method was employed and the analysis was by Correlation (Product Moment) and Multiple Regression.Findings of the study revealed that the average age of the female workers was 32 years and the majority of education was primary school. The average number of children was 2.6 whereas the average age of the youngest child is 5.6 years. The work experience of the female workers varied greatly. The lowest was one year and the highest was fifteen years and the average years of experience was 4.6 years. By average, the household earnings were Rp.187,128,- per month. These could be grouped as incomes that were enough.The allocation of time in Batik Industry was 30.78 hours per week or 4.4 hours per day. From this total time, an income of Rp.36,007 per month was earned and this accounts for 22.24 percent as a contribution to the total earnings of the household. The largest portion in the time allocation is that for the household activities, which was 41.91 hours per week or 5.98 hours per day. The time allocated for other social and individual activities were for 3.69 and 38.41 hours per week respectively. The correlation analysis found that the female workers\u27s time allocation in the Batik Industry. had a negative relationship with household and individual activities, whereas with social activities, there was no relationship at all. From the regression analysis, two significant factors were observed. These were the age of the youngest child and the earnings of the household. Finally, there was a positive relationship between the working time in Batas Industry and the contribution towards the houshold income. Key words: Female workers â time allocation â incomes â parttime â dual role

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