Pemanfaatan tanin ampas teh terhadap efek defaunasi, parameter fermentasi Rumen dan sintesis protein mikrobia Secara IN VITRO=Utilization Effect of Tannin from Tea Waste on Defaunation Effect, Rumen Fermentation


ABSTRACT The aims of this experiment were to determine the rumen fermentation parameters (ammonia concentration and VFA proportion), protozoa concentration and protein microbial synthesis as an effect of addition of tea waste to soybean meal, tapioka and there combinations in vitro. This research was done with one way completely randomized design with one level of tea waste ( the same tannin content 6 mg / g sample) with 7 treatments (T1 = 100% Bungkil kedelai, T2 = 100% soybean meal + tea waste, T3 = 75% soybean meal + 25% tapioka + tea waste, T4 = 50% soybean meal + 50% tapioka + tea waste, T5 = 25% soybean meal + 75% tapioka + tea waste, T6 = 100% + tea waste and T7 = 100% tapioka) and 6 replications. The results showed that pro-pionat proportion was significantly higher on soybean meal 26.42% (T2) vs 23,08% (T1) and tapioka 26,53% (T6) vs 25,18% (T7), asetat proportion was significantly decreased on soybean meal 53,83% (T2) vs 56,95% (T1) and on tapioka did not signi-ficantly but the proportion of butirat not significant. Ammonia concentration significanly decre-ased in soybean meal and tapioka as an effect of tea waste and increased with time of incubation. Protozoa concen-tration decreased significantly as an effect tea waste but not affected by sample and time incubation. Protein microbial syn-thesis not affected by tea waste but affected by sample s and highest yield (15,35 mg/10ml) on sample by combination of soybean and tapioka in ratio 50% : 50%. It could be concluded that added tea waste the same as tanin content 6 mg/g sample increased propionat proportion, decreased ammonia concretation and total protozoa without affected protein microbial synthesis. Key words: Tea waste, defaunation, rumen paramete, in vitr

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