Stellar spectroscopic classification has been successfully automated by a
number of groups. Automated classification and parameterization work best when
applied to a homogeneous data set, and thus these techniques primarily have
been developed for and applied to large surveys. While most ongoing large
spectroscopic surveys target extragalactic objects, many stellar spectra have
been and will be obtained. We briefly summarize past work on automated
classification and parameterization, with emphasis on the work done in our
group. Accurate automated classification in the spectral type domain and
parameterization in the temperature domain have been relatively easy. Automated
parameterization in the metallicity domain, formally outside the MK system, has
also been effective. Due to the subtle effects on the spectrum, automated
classification in the luminosity domain has been somewhat more difficult, but
still successful. In order to extend the use of automated techniques beyond a
few surveys, we present our current efforts at building a web-based automated
stellar spectroscopic classification and parameterization machine. Our proposed
machinery would provide users with MK classifications as well as the
astrophysical parameters of effective temperature, surface gravity, mean
abundance, abundance anomalies, and microturbulence.Comment: 5 pages; to appear in The Garrison Festschrift conference proceeding