Headache And Bruxing Behavior Types In Craniomandibular Disorders (cmds) Patients


Objective. Assess headache and bruxism in Craniomandibular Disorders (CMDs) and non CMDs patients. Method. Clinical examination, questionnaires, headache criteria, severity of bruxism. Results. The prevalence of headache was 68.3% in the CMDs group and 51.4% in the non-CMDs group (p<0.04).Tension type (TTH)=52.8% and combination headaches=25.2% predominated in CMDs. Migraine was more prevalent in Non-CMDs (21.1%) than in CMDs subjects (11.4%). Severe bruxism predominated in the headache/CMDs group=35% as compared to the non-headache/ CMDs group=21%, (p=0.08). We found a frequency of 29.3% extreme bruxism in the headache group and 7% in the non-headache group (p<0.0005). The frequencies of mild/moderate bruxism were about 28% in the TTH, 44.8% in the "other headaches" and 72% in the non-headache/CMDs groups. The frequencies of severe/extreme bruxism were 72.3% in the TTH, 55.2% in the "Other headaches", and 28% in the non- headache/CMDs groups(p=0.0001). Conclusion. Headache, TTH and combination headache were common in the CMDs group. Severe and extreme bruxism were more prevalent in the headache /CMDs group than in the "other headaches" and in the non/headache CMDs groups. 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