We present medium resolution (R approx. 1500) ISO-SWS 2.4--45 micron spectra
of a sample of 29 galaxies with active nuclei. This data set is rich in fine
structure emission lines tracing the narrow line regions and (circum-)nuclear
star formation regions, and it provides a coherent spectroscopic reference for
future extragalactic studies in the mid-infrared. We use the data set to
briefly discuss the physical conditions in the narrow line regions (density,
temperature, excitation, line profiles) and to test for possible differences
between AGN sub-types. Our main focus is on new tools for determining the
propertibes of dusty galaxies and on the AGN-starburst connection. We present
mid-IR line ratio diagrams which can be used to identify composite (starburst +
AGN) sources and to distinguish between emission excited by active nuclei and
emission from (circum-nuclear) star forming regions. For instance, line ratios
of high to low excitation lines like [O IV]25.9um/[Ne II]12.8um, that have been
used to probe for AGNs in dusty objects, can be examined in more detail and
with better statistics now. In addition, we present two-dimensional diagnostic
diagrams that are fully analogous to classical optical diagnostic diagrams, but
better suited for objects with high extinction. Finally, we discuss
correlations of mid-infrared line fluxes to the mid- and far-infrared
continuum. We compare these relations to similar relations in starburst
galaxies in order to examine the contribution of AGNs to the bolometric
luminosities of their host galaxies. The spectra are available in electronic
form from the authors.Comment: 24 pages, 23 figures, 5 tables. Accepted for A&