This paper considers the H? filtering problem
for stochastic singular fuzzy systems with timevarying
delay. We assume that the state and measurement
are corrupted by stochastic uncertain exogenous
disturbance and that the system dynamic is modeled
by Ito-type stochastic differential equations. Based on
an auxiliary vector and an integral inequality, a set of
delay-dependent sufficient conditions is established,
which ensures that the filtering error system is e?t -
weighted integral input-to-state stable in mean (iISSiM).
A fuzzy filter is designed such that the filtering
error system is impulse-free, e?t -weighted iISSiM and
the H? attenuation level from disturbance to estimation
error is belowa prescribed scalar.Aset of sufficient
conditions for the solvability of the H? filtering problem
is obtained in terms of a new type of Lyapunov
function and a set of linear matrix inequalities. Simulation
examples are provided to illustrate the effectiveness
of the proposed filtering approach developed in
this paper