
The Intrinsic Ellipticity of Spiral Disks


We have measured the distribution of intrinsic ellipticities for a sample of 28 relatively face-on spiral disks. We combine H-alpha velocity fields and R and I-band images to determine differences between kinematic and photometric inclination and position angles, from which we estimate intrinsic ellipticities of galaxy disks. Our findings suggest disks have a log-normal distribution of ellipticities (mean epsilon =0.06) and span a range from epsilon= 0 (circular) to epsilon=0.2. We are also able to construct a tight Tully-Fisher relation for our face-on sample. We use this to assess the contribution of disk ellipticity on the observed Tully-Fisher scatter.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in "Disks of Galaxies: Kinematics, Dynamics and Perturbations" (ASP Conference Series), eds E.Athanassoula and A. Bosm

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