The Foundry technology is the oldest manufacture technology in the world.
It is approximately on 4000 BM. Al Quran immortalized in As-Saba at verse 11,
�Make you perfect coats of mail, and balance well the rings of chain armour, and
work you (men) righteousness. Truly, I am All-Seer of what you do�.
Development technology in manufacture can�t be separated by foundry
technology and machining technology. Both technologies will be able to produce
new innovative and useful products, if they are combined in a development
system of technology. Machining technology in Meulaboh, West Aceh is
sufficient to support the metal casting industry.
Making Piston in industry used metal mould which has press-cast system,
but it is possible to make piston with the other method like gravity casting.
According to the study literature, the trace piston can be recycled without loss of
mechanical and physical properties. It has a good flow and the composition of
materials can be changed according to what the needs. So, the raw material is no
problem to make pistons. The research has proven its presumption, by controlling
the temperature of casting is ± 7200C, the temperature of molding is ± 327.50C,
maximum holding time is 30 minutes, using metal kowi and just simple method
such as furnace with charcoal has been resulted piston.
The result of spectrometer test that the trace material of piston has contains
10.21% Si in the motorcycle piston and 10.9% Si in the car piston after re-melted.
So the percentage content of Si mass in trace material of piston is equal with Al-Si
AC4B that is the raw material of piston, block gear, and cylinder head according
JIS. Maximum tensile strength of piston is 15.8 kg/mm2. The density of piston is
between 2567 until 2635 kg/m3. Maximum hardness is 48.42 kg/mm2. So, the
general result of this research based on mechanical and physical properties is
equal 85% of the standard piston. Therefore, we still have a challenge to improve
the quality up to 100%