The research was held to find out the effect of probiotic and temulawak in drinking water on the performance of broiler. This research used 144 day old chick (DOC) final stock “Arbor Acres CP 707”. Factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) was used in this research. There were six treatments and four replications. The treatments were P0T0= control, P1T1= probiotic 109 cell/ml + 0,25 g/l temulawak, P1T2 = probiotic 109 cell/ml + 0,50 g/l temulawak, P1T0 = probiotic 109 cel/ml, P0T1= 0,25 g/l temulawak, P0T2 = 0,50 g/l temulawak. Probiotic was gave every day and extract temulawak was feed once time a week in drinking water during five weeks. The observed variables were feed consumption, body weight gain, feed conversion, Salmonella sp population and blood cholesterol. The result of research indicates that probiotic 109 cell/ml and temulawak 0,50 g/l in drinking water have not significant effect of broiler performance, but have decreasing effect of Salmonella population and blood cholesterol.****Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek penambahan probiotik dan ekstrak temulawak dalam air minum terhadap performansi ayam broiler. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan DOC final stock “Arbor acres CP 707” sebanyak 144 ekor dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) pola faktorial yang terdiri dari enam macam perlakuan dan empat kali ulangan. Ke-enam perlakuan tersebut yaitu: P0T0= kontrol, P1T0 = probiotik109sel/ml,P0T1=0,25g/ltemulawak,P1T1=0,25g/ltemulawak+probiotik109sel/ml,P0T2=0,50g/ltemulawak,P1T2=0,50g/ltemulawak+probiotik109sel/ml. Penambahan probiotik diberikan dengan frekuensi setiap hari sedangkan ekstrak temulawak satu kali perminggu melalui air minum selama lima minggu. Peubah yang diamati adalah konsumsi ransum, pertambahan bobot badan, konversi ransum, populasi mikroba patogen Salmonella sp dan kadar kolesterol darah. Dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa pemberian probiotik 109 sel/ml dan temulawak dosis 0,50 g/l air minum belum dapat meningkatkan performan ayam broiler. Namun demikian dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui pemberian probiotik dan temulawak secara kombinasi pada dosis 0,50 g/l sebagai perlakuan yang memberikan pengaruh penurunan populasi Salmonella dan kadar kolesterol darah