The Kabua 1 cranium: Virtual anatomical reconstructions


Our current knowledge of the emergence of anatomically modern humans, and the human lineage in general, is limited, in large part because of the lack of a well preserved and well dated fossil record from Pleistocene Africa. Thus, the primary aim of our research is to partly relieve this problem by virtually reconstructing and analyzing the hominin cranial remains of Kabua 1, found in Kenya in the 1950s. Most scholars have argued that Kabua 1 represents an anatomically modern Homo sapiens, although the fragmentary nature of the remains and lack of a chronometric date hinder robust phylogenetic and taxonomic assessments. This manuscript presents the first steps taken to resolve this issue, namely a set of reconstructions of the specimen that would allow comparison with the fossil record. First, we virtually removed sediment and laboratory adhesives from μct scans of the fragments. Subsequently, all fragments were separated by segmentation of the μct data and described. Finally, virtual surface projections were used in the creation of several anatomical reconstructions, based on separate reference crania. These first steps provide a framework that will be used for quantitative shape analyses that aim to more firmly place these remains in the context of human evolution

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