Undirected Graph Exploration with Θ(log log n) Pebbles


We consider the fundamental problem of exploring an undi-rected and initially unknown graph by an agent with lit-tle memory. The vertices of the graph are unlabeled, and the edges incident to a vertex have locally distinct labels. In this setting, it is known that Θ(logn) bits of memory are necessary and sufficient to explore any graph with at most n vertices. We show that this memory requirement can be decreased significantly by making a part of the mem-ory distributable in the form of pebbles. A pebble is a device that can be dropped to mark a vertex and can be collected when the agent returns to the vertex. We show that for an agent O(log logn) distinguishable pebbles and bits of mem-ory are sufficient to explore any bounded-degree graph with at most n vertices. We match this result with a lower bound exhibiting that for any agent with sub-logarithmic memory, Ω(log logn) distinguishable pebbles are necessary for explo-ration.

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